Cool Yahoo Messenger Commands
Cool Yahoo Messenger Commands
Hi again. Some times yahoo server goes down and everyone whos chatting just tear their heads off. Lot of guys cant even change their chatrooms. Or if u want to know the chatroom of a person u want to follow then i got just some special gift for you. Here is a list of commands that could be executed in a yahoo chat room.
/help calls up the help file
/cls clears the screen
/save saves the current chat session transcript
/leave exits current room
/join roomname joins roomname
/goto username joins the chat room that username is currently in
/follow username user will follows username whenever the user changes rooms
/think text posts text in this format "oO(text)"
/tell username text -- allows you to send a text to username with opening a window
/invite username invites username to the current room
/webcam starts your webcam
/version displays the program version
/version username sends the program version to username
/time shows the time
/roll number rolls the number of dice
/logoff closes the client
/ignore add username will add username to your ignore list
/ignore remove username will remove username from your ignore list :Text formats the text as an emotion
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